Lecture Series RWTH Aaachen

Date: 17.05.2023

Lecture Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer on "Complexity- From Natural and Social Sciences to Artificial Intelligence"





Meeting-ID: 917 6948 8851

Kenncode: 477889


References: K. Mainzer, Thinking in Complexity, Springer: Berlin 5th edition 2007; K. Mainzer/L. Chua, Local Activity Principle. The Cause of Complexity, World Scientific Singapore 2013; K. Mainzer, Artificial Intelligence. When do Machines take over? Springer: Berlin 2nd edition 2019; K. Mainzer/ R. Kahle, Grenzen der Künstlichen Intelligenz – theoretisch, praktisch, ethisch, Springer. Berlin 2022.

Place: Stadtpalais, Theaterstraße 75 Aachen & ONLINE

Time: 5p.m. - 6.30 p.m.

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